Code of Compliance

Following firm principles.

Compliance takes maximum priority at ARNOLD, along with top-quality standards, proactive environmental protection, as well as sustainability in management, employee responsibility issues and in all our operative processes.

Compliance forms the basis of all our decisions and activities. It is the key to integrity in business dealings. Mutual trust, predictability, honesty and straightforwardness both inside and out are fundamental, firmly anchored principles at ARNOLD.

Compliance is not mere adherence to applicable laws and regulations; it is also an inner attitude demonstrated by our employees, who are an essential component of the sustained corporate success of the ARNOLD GROUP.

We expressly affirm our adherence to fair competition, and to following all applicable national and international laws, particularly those concerning corruption, bribery and price fixing, which we firmly oppose and do not tolerate in any way whatsoever.

Our Compliance Management System

ARNOLD is included in the Würth Group's Compliance Management System. The Würth Group’s Code of Compliance, derived from our corporate values – incorporates specific rules to provide transparency of our commitment to integrity in our dealings both internally and with our customers, suppliers and other business partners.

Compliance Management

Carl-Arnold-Str. 25
74670 Forchtenberg-Ernsbach

Working together against criminality

Studies show that information provided by third parties often result in the discovery of economic crime. This is why ARNOLD is included in the group-wide whistle-blowing system by means of which, in addition to those working in the Würth Group, outside parties can provide information about criminal dealings and other serious breaches of compliance. This is the Internet-based BKMS system (Business Keeper Monitoring System).

You too have the option of providing information via this system by giving your name, or remaining anonymous. Since we strive for open communication, we encourage you to give your name when you provide such information. We will treat your details in the strictest confidence and will always keep protecting the interests of all parties at the forefront of our considerations.

Please set up a post box on the BKMS system so that we can contact you. This is important in case there are any queries, or in case you wish to add further information to your original message. Communication via the post box can – if you wish – also be anonymous.

The system serves solely to draw attention to alleged economic criminal dealings or defined, serious breaches of compliance in the Würth Group. Any abuse of the system for other purposes could be a criminal offence.

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