Technical cleanliness

Better safety with
ultra-fine cleaning.

With your electronic and hydraulic components, there is a risk that microscopically tiny particles (which occur in all conventional manufacturing processes) can result in contamination. This can lead to a costly failure of the entire system – especially when modern components are so small.

To enable us to meet your requirements for significantly improved operating safety, under the brand name of Cleancon® we have developed a special production process that guarantees technical cleanliness in the manufacture of our fasteners.

Cleanroom services:
cleaning, coating, packing

With ARNOLD Cleancon® at the end of the production is the ultra-fine cleaning system for the manufactured fasteners – inside a specially designed clean room.

Since we also apply the optional low-friction coating, and pack the fasteners inside the clean room there are no further downstream processes that could cause contamination.

Your Cleancon® service at a glance

  • Comprehensive services inside the clean room
  • Ultra-fine cleaning using innovative technology
  • Low-friction coating on request
  • Clean consignment packaging

The benefits to you

  • We make sure of your project's economic success by tailoring the process precisely to your requirements.
  • You can use our ultra-fine cleaned fasteners to implement your smaller structures, and achieve better output densities. So you can fully exploit the opportunities for component miniaturisation.
  • Since our Cleancon® parts indicate significantly better quality, you receive fewer complaints – and so do we.
  • With less wear your systems (such as the hydraulic, mechanical and fluid systems) enjoy a longer service life.
  • There are fewer failures of functional and safety components, such as your electronic control systems.

See for yourself:

Everything you need.

Need more hard facts about
technical cleanliness?

Download our White Paper here



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